Thursday, January 21, 2010

Thursday Night Randoms

I've got a bunch of just random thoughts on my mind tonight. Figured I'd share those with you:)
  • It has been three weeks now since I started this "diet". I call it that because I don't know what else to call it...? A more healthy eating approach is basically what I am doing. I think I have done a pretty good job with it so far. I kind of fall off the ban-wagon on the weekends though. I have totally cut out snack foods like potato chips, cookies...all the stuff that isn't good for you. Believe it or not, I have not really craved that stuff too much. I do have my days though when I want some of that; but when there is none of that anywhere in the house the craving goes away after a little bit.

  • Why is that a woman can totally cut down and not lose any weight, and her husband still eats snack foods and looses 7 pounds in those three weeks?? It is not hardly fair!!

  • I started Zumba classes this week too. It is the most fun I have had in a long time!! Who would of thought working out would be so fun? The first night was real rough. I think I moved and shook things that hadn't moved or shook in a long time, if not ever!! I can't wait to go back on Monday. I would like to add another day of it in there as well.

  • Sunday is Shawn's birthday. I won't tell you how old the 33 yr old man will be, because he would get me!! So, I'll just leave it at that:) HeeHee I think we are going to Ireland, IN to the Chicken Place to celebrate...on Saturday night though. Just us two and the kiddo.

  • Speaking of kiddo...My girl is doing beautifully with her potty training as of right now. We have not had any accidents so far this week! She even wants to manage it all on her own. Whatever happened when she turned 3 yrs old last week must have been a good thing! I am soooo ready to not have to buy pull-ups anymore. Those darn things are so expensive! And I have kept telling her she is going to have to get potty trained because she is wearing the largest size pull-up they make, and after that I'll have to go to the womens section and buy her Depends to get them to fit her!! Ha (I hope I don't have to do that!)

  • Rylee is now refering to her Daddy as "Honey". We all sit at the kitchen table every night for supper, and we discuss the days activities. Rylee says to Shawn, "Soooo, how was your day, Honey? Was you busy?" BaaaHaaahaaah!! Where does this girl come up with these things...? You guessed it, from her Momma! She picks up on EVERYTHING! She is a little of me...and a little of Shawn interweaved into her unique self! Shawn and I just sit and laugh at her because she is so stinkin' funny! I don't exactly remember, but our life must of been real boring before Rylee came along. That girl is all the entertainment we need:) Bless her little heart, she is my life!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Party Time......Caillou Style!!!

Well, where has the time gone to? I can't believe that it has been three years since my little Rylee Lynnae was born. Time passes by so fast! She is such a big girl now, and I find myself missing that baby that I had "yesterday". I want her to grow up and develop into that wonderful person I know she is, and meant to be, but in some sense I want her to be that baby again. Maybe my clock is ticking again....??? HaHa  Rylee is a very unique, corky, highly intelligent, strong willed, high maintence, matter-of-fact, little girl. She is all the things my Mom said I never was as a child! From the moment Rylee was born she was ready to conquer the world. She has always been a child whom is wise beyond her years. Most people who meet her assume she is older than what she is. I think nothing of it, because that's who my Rylee is. She has met milestones way before she was expected to. She was rolling over (both ways) at 9 weeks....crawled at 4 1/2 months, pulling herself up to a standing position at 6 1/2 get the idea. Always doing something unexpected! That's my Rylee! That girl is the love of my life. Sometimes she gets the best of me and I think I might like to throw her out the window, but I wouldn't trade her for nothing! She will probably never need me as much as I need her in my life:)

Rylee's favorite cartoon is PBS's Caillou. That is what she wanted her party to be all about. Needless to say, it was just a party consisting of Mommy and Daddy, Mimi, and Cruiser the kitty cat. Some people might not agree with me by not organizing a huge birthday bash for her with the whole nine yards and then some. I just don't believe in these huge "show" parties. Never have. Shawn and I want Rylee growing up being a very well rounded child. Not wanting to have the best, but being content with just the simple things in life. I don't want her expecting Mommy and Daddy to have these kinds of parties for her. Because every year kids expect their parents to go beyond and above the year before. What does that teach? Nothing, except not being content and happy with what they have. So, in our household we just do the "milestone" birthday parties. We had one for Rylee's 1st Birthday, and probably the next one will be for her 5th Birthday. Don't get me wrong, we will ALWAYS celebrate her birthday, but most years it will just be a simple one like we had today.

She wanted a Caillou cake (strawberry flavored) from her favorite cake baker/decorator:)

...and she wanted pizza and breadsticks too

No birthday is ever complete without blowing out candles, and the Happy Birthday song..

...or a picture with your Mimi:)

...or a Caillou movie

...and a Kai-Lan doll

All in all Rylee had a fantastic day! Rylee words, "I had a great special day!"

Monday, January 11, 2010

Marriage...Give Love, Gather Love

Yes, I know I am behind in getting a new post on here. Sometimes though I just think my life isn't that interesting to all of you! lol I don't do a whole lot of fun and exciting things. I kind of lead a simple life, and that's basically the way I like it.

It was kind of a strange weekend for me...sad in some sense...insightful in another sense. Learning of a friends dissolution of marriage is never a good thing. This one though really hit home. It makes me so sad to hear things happen like this, and I know they happen everyday. It brings back alot of memories, feelings that I experienced when I went through the divorce of my parents when I was a child. No one knows what it feels like until it happens to you.

As I grew up I always wanted what I didn't have as a child...and that was a Mother and a Father that lived in the same household that truely loved one another. There has always been that void in my heart, wanting and waiting for that. I guess that's why I am ever so determined to make my marriage work. And alot of days yes, it is work! Being married and having children is the hardest job anyone of us will ever have...hands down HARDEST job. The old saying of, "You never really know someone until you live with them", is totally correct. We are all different, and it takes some time to understand that when you first say, "I do". Some days are better than others.

I just want to know what happens to bring that Man or Woman to the point where they can't take it anymore and they feel there is no other way, but to end the marriage? Some after many, many, many years. Is it the stress of everyday life, the kids, money issues....what? Why do some marriages work, and others don't? I think we would all agree that our marriages are not the same as they were in the beginning when it was just the two of us. Adding children to the mix means a whole different relationship. I do know staying together just because of the kids, is never a good thing. Does it work for some people...yes it probably does. But is it a healthy thing for the family as a whole...probably not. I was once told that the BEST thing I can do for my children is to take care of the relationship between those kids' Mommy and Daddy. That is the best gift I could ever give them. I agree whole heartedly with that especially myself coming from a broken home. Being married and having children is my life's greatest accomplishment. I am so proud that I am who I am with my husband and my daughter...they define me. I am very appreciative that I have them in my life. Some days I think we all might want to strangle one another!..but I wouldn't trade my life with them for anyone else's. Remember to tell your spouse every once and awhile how much they mean to you and how appreciative you are of them. I can tell you it will mean the whole world to them! We all need to hear that, that we mean something to someone. Give Love,Gather Love.


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